
n. 茶, 茶叶
【医】 茶, 茶剂, 浸剂
one's cup of tea
ea n 1 [U] (dried leaves of an) evergreen shrub grown in China, India, etc 茶叶; 茶树
a pound of tea 一磅茶叶. 2 (a) [U] drink make by pouring boiling water on these leaves 茶
a cup/mug/pot of tea 一杯[茶缸子/壶]茶
China, lemon, iced tea 中国茶、 柠檬茶、 加冰的茶
Shall I make (the) tea? 我沏点儿茶好吗? (b) [C] cup of this 一杯茶
Two teas, please. 劳驾, 要两杯茶. 3 [U] drink made by pouring boiling water on the leaves of other plants 代茶(用其他植物的叶子沏的饮料)
camomile, mint, herb tea 菊花、 薄荷、 药草茶. 4 [C, U] (light meal served at an) occasion when tea is drunk, esp in the late afternoon 茶(点); (尤指)下午茶点
The waitress has served twenty teas since 4 o´clock. 这女服务 员从4点钟开始已供应了20份茶点.
We usually have tea at half-past four. 我们一般在四点半喝下午茶.
When is tea? 什麽时候有茶点? =>Usage at dinner 用法见dinner. 5 (idm 习语) sb´s cup of tea => cup1. not for all the tea in `China no matter how great the reward 无论报酬多高; 无论得到多大好处
I wouldn´t marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他.