tear off
栏目: 英汉词典 查阅: 58次
扯掉, 跑掉, 匆匆写成
标签:tear off,用法,音标,短语
- tear n.泪滴,眼泪,撕,扯,裂缝,...
- fair wear and tear 合理折旧,合理磨损...
- waer and tear 擦损,损耗...
- tear-duct 泪管...
- tear-off n.可按虚线撕下的纸...
- tear-stained a.泪水沾湿的...
- tear-gas vt.用催泪性毒气袭击/驱散催...
- tear oneself away 勉强离开...
- tear sac 泪囊...
- tear gases 催泪气...
- ordinary wear and tear 自然损耗...
- wear and tear 磨损,折磨耗损...
- wear and tear pigments 衰竭色素,脂色素...
- tear into sb 猛攻,猛烈攻击,向...猛扑...
- tear one's hair 撕扯自己的头发...
- tear sth bits 把某物撕成碎片...
- tear sth shreds 把某物撕成碎片...
- hot tear 热裂...
- tear to tatters 把...扯碎,把...驳得体无...
- tear at 撕扯...