
n. T字形, T字形之物, 发球区, 球座, 目标
vt. 搁在球座上
a. T字形的
【化】 丁字形; T形; 丁字铁; 丁字钢; 三通
tee off
tee off on sb
to a tee
tee n 1 (a) (in golf) flat area from which a player strikes the ball when beginning to play each hole (高尔夫球运动的)开球处. (b) small spiked stand of wood, plastic, etc on which a player places his golf ball before striking it at the start of each hole 球座(高尔夫球运动中发球时放置球的小台). 2 mark aimed at in certain games, eg quoits, bowls, curling (掷环、 滚木球、 冰上溜石游戏的)目标. 3 (idm 习语) to a T/tee => T. tee, v (pt, pp teed) 1 [Tn] place (a golf ball) on a tee 将(高尔夫球)置於球座上. 2 (phr v) tee off play the ball from the tee 自球座击球. tee sb off (US sl 俚) make sb angry or annoyed 使某人生气或烦恼. tee (sth) up prepare to play (a golf ball) by placing it on a tee (将高尔夫球置於球座上)准备击球.