
n. 电话, 电话机
vt. 打电话
vi. 打电话
【电】 电路
telephone a message to sb
on the telephone
by telephone
call sb to the telephone
telephone to sb
telephone (also phone) n 1 [U] system of transmitting the human voice to a distance by wire or radio 电话
You can always reach (ie contact) meby telephone. 你打电话随时都能找到我. 2 [C] instrumentused for this, with a receiver and mouthpiece 电话机
answer the telephone, ie pick up the receiver to receivean incoming call 接电话. 3 (idm 习语) on the `telephone (a) connected to the telephone system 接上电话; 接通电话
They´ve just moved and they´re not on the telephoneyet. 他们刚搬的家, 还没接通电话. (b) using the telephone在打电话
She´s on the telephone at the moment. 她正在打电话.
You´re wanted (ie Somebody wants to speak to you) on the telephone. 你的电话(有人打电话找你). telephone (also phone), v [I, Tn,] send (a message) or speak to (sb) by telephone 以电话传送(消息); 给(某人)打电话
Will you write or telephone? 你写信还是打电话?
We must telephone our congratulations (to the happy couple). 我们得(给那对幸福的夫妇)打个电话表示祝贺.
He telephoned (his wife) to say he´d be late. 他(给妻子)打电话说他要晚到.