
n. (钢等的)硬度, 脾气, 心情, 中和剂, 倾向, 回火
vt. 使回火, 锻炼, 调和, 使缓和
vi. 回火
【化】 调质度; 回火
【医】 回火, 淬硬
get into a temper
keep one's temper
lose one's temper
show temper
be in a good temper
be in a bad temper
be of a calm temper
be of a quick temper
a fit of temper
temper n 1 (a) [C] state of the mind as regards anger or calmness 心情; 心境; 脾气; 性情
in a bad/good temper, ie angry/amiable 心情坏[好]. (b) [C, U] tendency to become angry easily 脾气; 容易发怒的性情
learn to control one´s temper 学会忍住脾气
have a (short/quick/nasty) temper 脾气急[暴/坏]
fly into a temper 发怒 * a fit of temper 发脾气. 2 [U] degree of hardness and elasticity of a tempered metal (金属回火後的)硬度和弹性. 3 (idm 习语) in a (bad, foul, rotten, etc) `temper angry 发怒; 发脾气. keep/lose one´s `temper succeed/fail in controlling one´s anger 忍住[发]脾气. temper v 1 [Tn] bring (metal) to the required degree of hardness and elasticity by heating and then cooling 使(金属)回火: tempered steel 回火钢. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) moderate or soften the effects of sth; mitigate sth 调和或减轻某事物的作用; 使某事缓和
temper justice with mercy, ie be merciful when punishing sb justly 法外施恩(惩罚某人时公正而仁慈).