
n. 谢意, 感谢
vt. 谢谢, 感谢
thank sb for sth
thank God
have oneself to thank
thank v 1 [Tn,] ~ sb (for sth/doing sth) express gratitude to sb 谢谢或感谢某人; 向某人道谢
There´s no need to thank me I was only doing my job. 不用谢--这是我应做的工作.
We thanked them for all their help. 我们感谢他们鼎力相助.
(ironic 反语) He won´t thank you (ie He´ll be annoyed with you) for leaving him all the washing-up to do. 你把刷锅洗碗的活儿都留给他干, 他不会感谢你(他会生你的气). 2 (idm 习语) have oneself/sb to thank (for sth) (ironic 反语) be responsible/hold sb responsible (for sth) (对某事)负有责任; 使某人(对某事)负责
She only has herself to thank for what happened. 出了事只能怪她自己.
Who do we have to thank for this fiasco? 我们遭此惨败怨谁呢? I´ll thank you for sth/to do sth (used in making politely formal requests or commands 用作提出请求或要求的礼貌用语)
I´ll thank you for (ie Please give me) that book. 请您把那本书送给我吧.
I´ll thank you to mind your business. 请您少管闲事. ,no, `thank you (used to decline an offer, a proposal, etc politely 用以表示婉拒他人的好意、 提议等). thank `God/`goodness/`heaven(s) (used to express relief 用以表示松心或宽慰)
Thank God you´re safe! 谢天谢地, 你平安无事! thank one´s lucky stars be or feel especially fortunate 吉星高照; 感到非常幸运
You can thank your lucky stars (that) you don´t have to go to this dreary reception. 你真走运, 不用出席那死气沉沉的招待会. `thank you (used to express gratitude or to accept an offer, a proposal, etc 用以表示感谢或接受他人的好意、 提议等)
Thank you for giving me a lift. 谢谢你开车送我一程.
Thank you very much indeed. 真是太感谢你了.