
n. 保释, 拎环, 杓, 栅栏
vt. 保释, 舀水
【经】 担保
to hold sb to bail
to bail sb out
I'll go bail that...
be out on bail
bail n[U] 1 money paid by or for a person accused of a crime, as security that he will return for his trial if he is allowed to go free until then 保释金. 2 permission for a person to be released on such security 准许保释
The magistrate granted/refused him bail. 地方法官准许[不准]他保释. 3 (idm 习语) go/stand `bail (for sb) give bail (to secure sb´s freedom) 交保释金(保释某人). jump bail => jump2. (out) on `bail free after payment of bail 交保释金後获释
The accused was released on bail (of 1000) pending trial. 那被告在交纳(1000英镑)保释金後, 在开庭前暂时获释. bail v (phr v) bail sb out (a) obtain or allow the release of sb on bail 保释某人. (b) (fig infml 比喻, 口) rescue sb from (esp financial) difficulties 救助某人摆脱困境(尤指财务方面)
The club faced bankruptcy until a wealthy local businessman bailed them out. 俱乐部那时眼看就要破产, 後来本地有位富商鼎力相助, 才摆脱困境. bail (also bale), v [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (out)/sth (out) throw (water) out of a boat with buckets, etc; clear (a boat) in this way 用桶将(水)从船内舀出; 以这种方式给(船)清除积水
bailing water (out) 舀水往船外泼
bailing (out) the boat 清除船中积水
The boat will sink unless we bail (out). 我们不把积水清除掉, 船就要沉了. bail n (in cricket) either of the two cross-pieces resting on each set of three stumps (板球)三柱门上的横木.