throw sth away

扔掉, 浪费掉, 放过机会
throw sth away的短语、例句:
throw sth away (a) discard sth as useless or unwanted 丢弃某物(因无用或不需要)
That´s rubbish you can throw it away. 那东西没用--你把它扔了吧. (b) fail to make use of sth 未能利用某事物
throw away an opportunity, advantage, etc 失去机会、 优势等
My advice was thrown away (ie wasted) on him. 我对他的劝告都白费了. (c) (of actors, etc) speak (words) in a deliberately casual way (指演员等)有意淡淡地说出(台词)
This speech is meant to be thrown away. 这段话要漫不经心地说出来.