
n. 带子, 线, 鞋带, 领带, 领结, 关系, 束缚, 平局, 不分胜负
vt. 系, 打结, 扎, 约束, 与...成平局
vi. 结合, 打结, 不分胜负
【机】 拉杆, 结, 扣; 扎, 绑, 打
tie up
play off a tie
tie into
tie one on
tie to
to tie for second place
tie in
tie n 1 (also `necktie) strip of decorative material worn round the neck under the collar and knotted in front 领带. =>illus at jacket 见jacket插图. 2 piece of cord, wire, etc used for fastening or tying sth (系物、 捆扎用的)带、 绳、 线等
ties for sealing plastic bags 封塑料袋用的捆扎条. 3 (a) rod or beam holding parts of a structure together (连接结构物各部的)系杆, 系梁. (b) (US) = sleeper2. 4 (usu pl 通常作复数) (fig 比喻) thing that unites people; bond 使人结合在一起的事物; 连接物
the ties of friendship 友谊的纽带
family ties 家族关系
The firm has ties with an American corporation. 该商行与美国一家公司有关系. 5 (fig 比喻) thing that limits a person´s freedom of action 限制人行动自由的事物; 束缚
He doesn´t want any ties; that´s why he never married. 他不愿受束缚, 所以不结婚.
Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday. 要想外出度假时, 宠物会成为牵累. 6 equal score in a game or competition (比赛或竞争中)得分相同, 不分胜负, 平手
Each team scored twice and the game ended in a tie. 每个队都有两次得分, 比赛不分胜负. 7 sports match between two or a group of competing teams or players 淘汰赛
the first leg of the Cup tie between Aberdeen and Barcelona 阿伯丁队和巴塞罗那队在优胜杯淘汰赛中的第一轮比赛. 8 (music 音) curved line in a score over two notes of the same pitch that are to be played or sung as one 连结线. =>illus at music 见 music 插图. tie v (pt, pp tied, pres p tying) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fasten or bind (sth) with rope, string, etc (用绳、 带等)系, 结, 缚, 绑, 扎, 捆, 拴(某物)
Shall I tie the parcel or use sticky tape? 我把包裹捆上还是用胶带粘上?
The prisoner´s hands were securely tied. 那犯人的双手给牢牢捆住了.
tie a dog to a lamp-post 把狗拴在灯柱上
tie sb´s feet together 把某人的双脚捆住
tie a branch down 把树枝绑住. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (on) attach sth by means of its strings, etc (用某物的带子等将其)系上, 系牢
Could you tie this apron round me? 你受累把围裙给我系上行吗?
tie on a label 系上标签. 3 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] arrange (ribbon, string, etc) to form a knot or bow 将(丝带、 细绳等)打成结或打成蝴蝶结
tie a ribbon, scarf, tie, cravat, etc 系丝带、 头巾、 领带、 围巾等
She tied her hair in(to) a bun. 她把头发挽成个髻.
tie (up) one´s shoe-laces 系(上)鞋带. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] make (a knot or bow) in this way 打(结或蝴蝶结)
tie a knot in a piece of rope 在绳子上打结. 4 [I, Ipr, Ip] be fastened 系上; 打结
This rope won´t tie properly. 这绳子打不好结.
Does this sash tie in front or at the back? 这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面? 5 [I, Ipr, Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态, Tn.pr usu passive 通常用於被动语态] ~ (sb) (with sb) (for sth) make the same score as (another competitor) 与(另一参赛者)得分相同
The two teams tied (with each other). 那两队不分胜负.
Britain are tied with Italy for second place. 英国队和意大利队并列第二. 6 [Tn] (music 音) unite (notes) with a tie1(8) 用连结线连接(音符)
tied crotchets 用连结线连接的四分音符. 7 (idm 习语) bind/tie sb hand and foot => hand1. have one´s hands free/tied => hand1. tie oneself into/(up) in `knots get very confused 大惑不解. tie the knot (infml 口) get married 结婚. 8 (phr v) tie sb/oneself down (to sth) restrict sb/oneself (to certain conditions, a fixed occupation or place, etc) 使某人[自己]受(某环境、 固定的职业或地点等的)约束
Children do tie you down, don´t they? 孩子简直把你拖累住了吧?
refuse to be tied down by petty restrictions 不理会琐细规章的限制. tie in (with sth) (of information, facts, etc) agree or be connected (指资料、 事实等)一致或有联系
This evidence ties in with what we already know. 这证据与我们已掌握的情况相符. tie (sth) up moor (sth) or be moored 系住, 拴住(船等); 停泊
We tied (the boat) up alongside the quay. 我们把船停泊在码头处. tie sb up (a) bind sb with rope, etc so that he cannot move or escape 捆绑某人
The thieves left the night-watchman tied up and gagged. 窃贼把夜班守卫员捆住, 把他的嘴也堵住了. (b) (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) occupy sb so that he has no time for other things 缠住某人使之无暇顾及他事
I´m tied up in a meeting until 3 pm. 我开会直到下午三点钟方可脱身. tie sth up (a) bind sth with cord, rope, etc 系、 拴、 捆、 绑或扎某物. (b) (often passive 常用於被动语态) invest (capital) so that it is not easily available for use 将(金钱)用於投资致使难以动用
Most of his money´s tied up in property. 他大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用. (c) make conditions restricting the use or sale of (property, etc) 制定条款限制(财产等)的使用或出售. (d) bring (work, progress, etc) to a halt; obstruct sth使(工作、 进展等)停顿; 阻碍某事
The strike tied up production for a week. 这次罢工造成停产一周.