
vt. 烘焙, 烤
vi. 烤面包
n. 烘焙, 烤
【医】 烘, 焙
bake v 1 [I, Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (for sb) (cause sth to) be cooked by dry heat in an oven (使某物放在烤箱烘烤
bake bread, cakes, etc 烘面包、糕饼等
The bread is baking/being baked. 面包正在烘烤.
I´m baking Alex a birthday cake/baking a birthday cake for Alex. 我正在给阿列克斯烤生日蛋糕.
baked potatoes 烤的马铃薯
baked beans, ie haricot beans baked and tinned with tomato sauce 烘豆(经烘烤後加入番茄汁做成罐头的菜豆). =>Usage at cook 用法见 cook. 2 [I, Tn, Cn.a] (cause sth to) become hard by heating (使某物)烤硬
The sun baked the ground hard. 太阳把地晒得硬帮帮的.
The bricks are baking in the kilns. 里正在烧砖. 3 [I] (fig infml 比喻, 口) be or become very hot 灼热; 炎热
It´s baking today! 今天天气炎热!
We are baking in the sun. 我们让太阳晒熟了.