
n. 薄的织物, 薄纱, 棉纸, 组织, 一套
【化】 组织
【医】 组织
tissue n 1 [U, C] mass of cells forming the body of an animal or a plant (动植物的)组织
muscular, nervous, connective, etc tissue 肌肉、 神经、 结缔等组织
The tissues have been destroyed and a scar has formed. 那些组织受到破坏, 结了疤. 2 [C] piece of soft absorbent paper that is thrown away after use (as a handkerchief, etc) (用作手帕等的)纸巾
a box of tissues 一盒纸巾
`face/`facial tissues, ie for removing make-up, etc 面纸巾(用以清除脸部化妆物等的). 3 (also `tissue-paper) [U] very thin soft paper used for wrapping and packing things (包装物品用的)薄纸, 绵纸. 4 [C, U] (any type of) fine thin woven fabric (任何种类的)薄织物. 5 [C] ~ (of sth) (fig 比喻) connected or interwoven series (相关的或交织的)一套, 一系列
His story is a tissue of lies. 他的话是一派谎言.
the complex tissue of myth and fact 虚实交错的复杂情况.