
n. 头衔, 名称, 标题, 书名, 扉页, 权利, 资格, 冠军, 字幕
vt. 授予头衔, 加标题于
【计】 标题
【经】 权利, (土地财产的)所有权, 地契
have title to sth
have title to do sth
title n 1 [C] name of a book, poem, picture, etc (书、 诗歌、 图画等的)名称, 题目, 标题. 2 [C] word used to show a person´s rank, occupation, etc (eg King, mayor, captain) or used in speaking to or about him (eg Lord, Doctor, Mrs) 称号; 头衔(如国王、 市长、 船长);称谓(如勋爵、 博士、 夫人)
She has a title, ie is a memberof the nobility. 她有贵族头衔. 3 [U, C] ~ (to sth/to do sth) (law 律) right or claim, esp to the ownership of property 权益; 权利; (尤指)财产所有权
Has he any title to the land? 他有这块土地的所有权吗?
disputing the country´s title to the islands 争论该国对那些岛是否有主权. 4 [C] (sport 体) championship 冠军
win the world heavyweight title 获重量级世界拳击冠军
[attrib 作定语] a title fight 冠军争夺战.