
n. 吐司, 烤面包, 干杯
vt. 敬酒, 烤, 使暖和
vi. 烤, 烘
drink a toast
respond to the toast
reply to the toast
as warm as a toast
have sb on toast
toast n[U] 1 sliced bread made brown and crisp by heating under a grill, in a toaster, etc 烤面包片(面包切成片後放在烤架下、 面包片加热器等中烤黄、 烤脆)
make some toast for breakfast 把面包片烤热作早餐
a poached egg on toast 烤面包片加荷包蛋
two slices of buttered toast 两片涂黄油的烤面包片. 2 (idm 习语) have sb on `toast (infml 口) have sb completelyat one´s mercy 任意摆布某人. warm as toast => warm1. toast, v [I, Tn] become or make brown and crisp by heating 烤黄; 烤脆
a toasted (cheese) sandwich 烤过的(乾酪)三明治
(fig 比喻) toasting oneself/one´s feet in front of the fire 烤火[烤烤脚]. toaster n electrical device for toasting slices of bread (电的)面包片加热器. toast v [Tn] wish happiness, success, etc to (sb/sth) by drinking wine, etc 为(某人[某事物])幸福、 成功等祝酒
toast the bride and groom 为新娘和新郎祝酒
toast the success of a new company 为新公司获得成功而乾杯. toast, n 1 act of toasting 祝酒; 敬酒
propose a loyal toast to the Queen 提议向女王敬酒
drink a toast 乾杯 * reply/respond to the toast, ie (of the person toasted) make a speech in reply (接受敬酒的人)致答词. 2 person,etc toasted 受敬酒的人等
be the toast of (ie praised and congratulated by) the whole neighbourhood 受到邻里交口称赞和祝贺的人.