
n. 通行费, 代价, 钟声
vt. 征收, 敲钟, 鸣钟, 勾引, 引诱
vi. 征税, 鸣钟
【经】 捐税, (道路,港口,市场等的)捐税
levy toll on sb
take toll of
toll the death knell for sb
toll n 1 money paid for the use of a road, bridge, harbour, etc (道路、 桥梁、 港口等的)使用费, 通行费, 停泊费. 2 loss or damage caused by sth 某事造成的损失或毁坏
the death-toll in the earthquake, on the roads, after the massacre, ie the number of people killed 地震、 交通事故、 大屠杀的死亡人数. 3 (idm 习语) take a heavy toll/take its toll (of sth) cause loss, damage, etc 造成损失、 毁坏等
The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命.
Every year at Christmas drunken driving takes its toll. 每年的圣诞节都有醉酒驾车的伤亡事故. toll v 1 [Tn,] ~ (for sb/sth) ring (a bell) with slow regular strokes, esp for a death or funeral 缓慢而有规律地敲(钟); (尤指)敲(丧钟). 2 [Ipr] ~ (for sb/sth) (of a bell) sound in this way (指钟)缓慢而有规律地鸣响. toll, n [sing] sound of a tolling bell 缓慢而有规律的钟声.