
n. 吨
【经】 吨
in the ton
hit like a ton of bricks
ton n 1 [C] measure of weight, in Britain 2240 lb(long ton) and in the US 2000 lb (short ton) 吨(英国为2240磅, 即长吨; 美国为2000磅, 即短吨). =>App 5 见附录5. Cf 参看 tonne. 2 [C] measure of capacity for various materials, esp 40 cubic feet of timber 容积吨(尤指容纳40立方英尺木材的). 3 [C] (nautical 海) (a) measure of the size of a ship (1 ton = 100 cubic feet) (船的)吨位(1吨=100立方英尺). (b) measure of the amount of cargo a ship can carry (1 ton = 40 cubic feet) (船的)装载吨, 载货吨(1吨=40立方英尺). 4 tons [pl] ~s (of sth) (infml 口) a lot 大量; 很多
They´ve got tons of money. 他们有很多钱.
I´ve still got tons (of work) to do. 我还有许多事要做. 5 (idm 习语) do a/the `ton (sl 俚) drive at a speed of 100 mph or more 以每小时至少100英里的速度开车
got caught doing a ton on the motorway 在高速公路上以100英里时速开车而被抓住. (come down on sb) like a ton of `bricks (infml 口) (criticize or punish sb) with great force or violence 严厉地(斥责或惩罚某人). weigh a ton => weigh.