
n. 旅行, 游历, 行进
vi. 旅行, 行进, 移动, 被传播
vt. 旅行, 通过, 使移动
【机】 移动, 行程
travel along
travel out of the record
travel v (-ll-; US -l-) 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip, In/pr] make a journey 行走; 行驶; 旅行; 游历
I love (to go) travelling. 我喜欢旅行.
We travelled all over the country. 我们游遍全国各地.
She travels to work by bike. 她骑自行车去上班.
We travelled over by car. 我们是坐汽车去的.
We had been travelling (for) over a week. 那时我们已经走了一个多星期了. (b) [Tn,]cover (a distance) in travelling; journey through, around,etc (an area) 行走、 行驶、 旅行或游历(一段距离); 走过、 绕过...(某地区)
He´s travelled the whole world. 他游遍了世界各地.
travel forty miles to work each day 每天走四十英里去上班. =>Usage 见所附用法. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] move; go 移动; 走
Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音速度快.
News travels quickly these days. 近来消息传播得很快.
The billiard ball travelled gently across the table. 台球慢慢地滚过台面.
(fig 比喻) His mind travelled back to his youth. 他回想起自己青年时代. 3 [Ipr] ~ (in sth) (for sb) go from place to place as a salesman 巡回推销; 四处兜售
He travels in carpets for a big London firm. 他为伦敦的一家大公司到处推销地毯. 4 [I] (of wine, etc) not be spoilt by long journeys (指葡萄酒等)经长途运输不变质的
Lighter wines often travel badly. 低度葡萄酒往往经不起长途运输. 5 [I] (infml 口) move very fast 快速移动
I don´t know the car´s exact speed, but it was certainly travelling. 我不知道那辆汽车的准确速度, 但确实非常快. 6 (idm 习语) travel `light (a) travel with as little luggage as possible 轻装上路. (b) (fig 比喻) try to avoid responsibilities, problems, etc 极力回避责任、 问题等. travel, n 1 [U] travelling, esp abroad 行走, 行驶, 旅行(尤指出国): the cost of travel 旅费
Travel in the mountains can be slow and dangerous. 走山路有时候又慢又危险.
[attrib 作定语] `travel books 游记. 2 travels[pl] journeys, esp abroad 旅游; (尤指)出国旅游
write an account of one´s travels 写一部游记
(joc 谑) If you see John on your travels (eg about town), tell him to ring me. 你在城里游逛时要是遇到约翰, 告诉他给我打个电话. => Usage at journey 用法见journey. 3 [U] extent, rate or type of movement of a mechanical part (机件的)行程, 冲程
There´s too much travel on the brake, it needs tightening. 制动器太松了, 需要调紧. travel, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
The person who drives a car, bus or train is the person in control of it. 开汽车、 公共汽车或火车要用drive这个词. Similarly we ride a bicycle or horse, sail a boat or a ship (whether it sails or has an engine), and fly a plane. 骑自行车或骑马用ride, 驾船(或用帆或用发动机)用sail, 开飞机用fly. *We steer a car, bicycle or ship when we turn it in a particular direction. 改变汽车、 自行车或船的方向用steer. *When travelling as a passenger we ride in a car, bus or train, sail in a ship, and fly in a plane. 作为乘客, 坐汽车、 公共汽车或火车用ride in, 坐船用sail in, 坐飞机用fly in. When talking about means of transport we can use go by (car, boat/ship/sea, plane/air, bicycle, etc) 谈到交通工具, 用go by (car、 boat/ship/sea、 plane/air、 bicycle等)
Are you going by sea or by air? 你打算坐船去还是坐飞机去?
He always comes to work by bus. 他总是坐公共汽车来上班.