
n. 旅行, 绊倒, 摔倒, 失足, 差错, 旅程
vt. 使跌倒, 使犯错, 使失败
vi. 轻快地走, 绊倒, 失误, 犯错, 结巴, 旅行, 远足
【法】 摔倒, 绊倒, 失足; 使犯过错, 发觉错误, 失误
trip v (-pp-) 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over/up) catch one´s foot on sth and stumble or fall 绊; 绊倒
She tripped (over the cat) and fell. 她(让猫)绊了一跤.
Be careful you don´t trip (up) on the mat. 小心别在地席上绊倒了.
I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying. 我绊了一下, 手中的托盘掉在地上了. (b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb (up) cause sb to do this 使某人绊跤; 绊倒某人
He tried to trip me up. 他想把我绊倒. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] walk, run or dance with quick light steps 轻快地行走、 奔跑或跳舞
She came tripping down the garden path. 她轻快地沿著花园小路跑来.
(fig 比喻) a melody with a light tripping rhythm 节奏轻快的曲调. 3 [Tn] release (a switch or catch); operate (a mechanism) by doing this 松开(开关); (松开开关)开动(机器)
trip the shutter, ie of a camera 按动快门
If anyone tampers with this door it trips the alarm. 要是有人撬这扇门, 就会触响警报器. 4 [I, Ip] ~ (out) (dated sl 旧, 俚) have a trip(n 1) (通常指短途)行走, 行驶, 旅行(尤指娱乐). 5 (phr v) trip (sb) up (cause sb to) make a mistake, reveal a secret, etc (使某人)犯错误、 泄漏秘密等
The lawyer was tryingto trip the witnesses up, ie make them contradict themselves.那律师竭力想让证人互相矛盾.
I tripped up in the interview and said something rather silly. 我在面试中不慎说了一些蠢话. trip, n 1 (usu short) journey, esp for pleasure (通常指短途的)行走, 行驶, 旅行(尤指娱乐性的)
a trip to the seaside 海滨之行
during my last trip to London 在我上次去伦敦的行程中
a honeymoon trip to Venice前往威尼斯的蜜月旅行. =>Usage at journey 用法见journey. 2 (sl 俚) experience, esp one caused by taking a hallucinating drug 体验; (尤指服用致幻剂後的)幻觉体验
an acid (ie LSD) trip 迷幻药产生的幻觉
a good/bad trip 舒服的[不舒服的]迷幻感受. 3 act of tripping (trip v 1) or being tripped; fall or stumble 绊; 绊倒. 4 device for tripping (trip v 3) a mechanism 松开机械开关的装置.