
n. 事实, 实情
【法】 真实, 真相, 事实
tell the truth
to tell the truth
in truth
truth to tell
seek truth from facts
stand truth on its head
truth n (pl ~s ) 1 [U] quality or state of being true 真实(性)
There´s no truth/not aword of truth in what he says. 他说的毫不属实. 2 (a) [U]that which is true 真相; 实情; 真实情况; 事实
the whole truth 全部事实
the search for (the) truth 调查事实真相
tell the truth, ie speak truthfully, not lie 说实话
We found out the truth about him. 我们了解到了有关他的事实.
The (plain) truth is, I forgot about it. 老实说, 我忘了. (b) [C] fact, belief, etc that is accepted as true 真理; 原理
one of the fundamental truths of modern science 现代科学的一项基本原理. 3 (idm 习语) a home truth => home1. in truth (fml 文) truly; really 的确; 事实上
It was in truth a miracle. 这确实是个奇迹. the moment of truth => moment. the naked truth => naked 2. to tell the truth => tell.