turn round

转身, 转变, 改变意见, 采取新政策
【经】 船双进港卸货, 装货和离境的全部过程
turn round的短语、例句:
turn round (also turn around), (a) (of a ship or aircraft) unload at the end of one journey and reload for the next one (指船或飞机)在一航程终点卸货并为下一航程装货
These cruise ships can turn round in two days. 这些游船可用两天的时间装卸完毕. (b) (commerce 商) (of shares, the stock-market, etc) begin to show an opposite trend or movement (指股票、 证券市场等)开始显示相反的动向
The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转. turn(sb/sth) `round (cause sb/sth to) face in a different direction (使某人[某物])面向另一方向
Turn round and let me look at your back. 转过去, 让我看看你的後背.
Turn your chair round to the fire. 把你的椅子转向炉火一边.