
ad. 两次, 两倍
in twice
think twice
at twice
twice adv 1 two times 两次: I have seen the film twice. 这部影片我看过两遍了.
He has twice lied to us. 他对我们撒过两次谎. 2 double in quantity, rate, etc 两倍
The car´s performance is twice as good since the engine´s been tuned. 这辆汽车调了发动机以後性能好了一倍.
She did twice as much work as her brother. 她干的工作比她弟弟干的多一倍. 3 (idm 习语) be `twice the man/woman (that sb is) be much better, stronger, etc 好、 强...得多
How dare you criticize him? He´s twice the man (that) you are! 你怎麽竟敢说他? 他比你强多了! lightning never strikes in the same place twice => lightning1. once bitten, twice shy => once. once or twice => once. think twice about sth/doing sth => think1. ,twice `over not just once but twice 不只一次, 而是两次
You´ve bought enough paint to paint the house twice over! 你买的颜料足够把这所房子粉刷两次用的!