
a. 不确定的, 无常的, 不确信的, 不可预测的
【法】 不确定的, 未定的, 不确信的
It is uncertain whether
be uncertain of
uncertain adj 1 (a) [usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (about/of sth) not knowing definitely 知道得不确切; 无把握
be/feel uncertain (about) what to do 对要做什麽事拿不定主意
uncertain about/of one´s legal rights 不明确自己的合法权利. (b) not known definitely 未被确切了解
The outcome is still uncertain. 结果仍不明朗. 2 not to be depended on; unreliable 靠不住; 不可信赖
His aim is uncertain. 他的目标不明确. 3 likely to vary; changeable 可能改变; 常变化
uncertain weather 变幻莫测的天气
a man of uncertain temper 喜怒无常的人. 4 hesitant or tentative 犹豫; 迟疑不决
an uncertain voice, smile 吞吞吐吐的说话声、 似笑非笑
the baby´s first uncertain steps 婴儿初学行走时不稳的脚步. 5 (idm 习语) in ,no un,certain `terms clearly and forcefully 清楚而有力地
I told him what I thought of him in no uncertain terms! 我毫不含糊地把我对他的看法告诉了他!