
n. 拱顶, 窖, 地下室, 撑竿跳, 穹窿
vt. 做成圆拱形, 撑竿跳过
vi. 成穹状弯曲, 跳跃
【医】 穹隆
【经】 (银行等的)保管库
vault n 1 arched roof; series of arches forming a roof 拱券; 拱顶
fan vaulting, ie vaults wherethe arches have ribs, like a fan 扇形拱券. =>illus at App 1见附录1插图, page viii. 2 (a) cellar or underground room used for storing things at a cool temperature 地窖; 地下室
`wine-vaults 酒窖. (b) similar room beneath a church or in a cemetery, used for burials (教堂或坟场的)地下墓室
in the family vault 在家族的地下墓室中. 3 similar room, esp in a bank and protected by locks, alarms, thick walls, etc, used for keeping valuables safe (设於地下的)金库, 保险库(尤指银行的). 4 covering like an arched roof 拱券状覆盖物
(rhet 修辞) the vault of heaven, ie the sky 苍穹(天空). vault v [I, Ipr] ~ (over sth) jump in asingle movement over or onto an object with the hand(s) resting on it or with the help of a pole (用手或竿支撑)跳跃
vault (over) a fence 用手支撑跳过篱笆墙
The jockey vaulted lightly into the saddle. 那骑师用手一按马背轻身跃上了马鞍.
(fig fml 比喻, 文) vaulting (ie boundless, overreaching) ambition 奢想. vault, n jump made in this way 撑物跳跃; 撑竿跳.