
n. 蔬菜, 植物, 无精打采之人
a. 蔬菜的, 植物的
【医】 植物, 蔬菜; 植物的
vegetable n 1 (part of various types of) plant eaten as food, eg potatoes, beans, onions 蔬菜
green vegetables, ie cabbage, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, etc 绿色蔬菜(卷心菜、 莴苣、 汤菜等)
a salad of raw vegetables 生菜色拉
[attrib 作定语] a vegetable curry, garden, knife 咖喱素菜、 菜园、 蔬菜用刀
vegetable oils, eg in margarine 植物油. Cf 参看 animal, mineral. 2 (fig 比喻) (a) person who is physically alive but mentally inactive because of injury, illness or abnormality 植物人(因伤、 病或异常情况而丧失思维能力但仍有生命的人)
Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable. 他因脑部重伤而成了植物人.
[attrib 作定语] lead a vegetable existence 处於植物人的状态. (b) person who has a dull monotonous life 生活单调的人
Stuck at home like this, she felt like a vegetable. 像这样闷在家里, 她觉得生活太单调.