
n. 坏人, 恶棍
【法】 歹徒, 恶棍, 恶徒
villain n 1 (a) person guilty or capable of great wickedness 恶棍; 歹徒; 坏人. (b) (Brit sl 俚) (used esp by the police 尤为警方用语) criminal 罪犯. (c) (infml 口) mischievous rogue or rascal 淘气鬼; 坏蛋
Get off my bike, you little villain! 别动我的自行车, 你这个小淘气! 2 (in a story, play, etc) character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot (小说、 戏剧等中的)反面人物, 反派角色, 坏人. Cf 参看 hero. 3 (idm 习语) the `villain of the piece (esp joc 尤作戏谑语) person or thing responsible for some trouble, damage, etc 惹祸的、 为害的...人或事物
A faulty fuse was the villain of the piece. 毛病就出在保险丝上.