
a. 嗓音的, 声音的, 有声的, 歌唱的
n. 元音, 声乐作品
vocal adj 1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] of, for or uttered by the voice 嗓音的; 适於嗓音的; 用口语表达的
the vocal organs, ie the tongue, lips, vocal cords, etc 发音器官(舌、 唇、 声带等)
The cantata has a difficult vocal score. 这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱.
Callas´s vocal range was astonishing. 卡拉斯的音域宽得惊人. 2 expressing one´s opinions or feelings freely in speech; outspoken 用言语自由表达意见或感情的; 直言的
vocal criticism, support 坦率的批评、 支持
We were very vocal about our rights. 我们直言不讳表达了我们应有的权利.
The protesters are a small but vocal minority. 抗议的人虽然人数少, 但却是直言的少数. vocal, n (often pl 常作复数) sung part of a piece of jazz or pop music (爵士乐或流行音乐的)歌唱部分
Who was on/sang lead vocal(s) on the group´s last record? 在这个乐队新出的唱片中, 领唱的是谁?