
n. 墙, 墙壁, 垣, 内壁, 分界物, 屏障
a. 墙的
vt. 给...建墙, 禁闭, 用墙围住
【计】 背景墙
【医】 壁
drive sb to the wall
give sb the wall
go over the wall
go to the wall
run into a blank wall
band one's head against a brick wall
run one's head against a brick wall
see through a brick wall
take the wall of sb
up against the wall
on the wall
with one's back to the wall
wall n 1 (a) continuous upright solid structure of stone, brick, concrete, etc used to enclose, divide or protect sth (eg an area of land) 围墙; 城墙
The old town on the hill had a wall right round it. 小山上的古城四周有城墙.
The fields were divided by stone walls. 这片地都有石墙相隔.
The fruit trees grew against the garden wall. 那些果树都长在花园的墙边. (b) one of the vertical sides of a building or room 墙壁
The castle walls were very thick. 那座城堡的墙很厚.
Hang the picture on the wall opposite the window. 把画挂在窗户对面的墙上.
[attrib 作定语] a wall light 壁灯. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page vi. 2 (fig 比喻) thing similar to a wall in its appearance or effect (样子或作用)似墙之物
The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡, 形成一道岩石屏障.
The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence. 调查人员碰了壁, 谁也不回答他们的问题.
The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water. 海啸形成一堵骇人的水墙. 3 outer layer of a hollow structure, esp an organ or a cell of an animal or a plant 外壁(尤指动植物器官或细胞的)
the abdominal wall 腹腔壁
the wall of an artery, a blood-vessel, etc 动脉、 血管等的壁. 4 (idm 习语) bang, etc one´s head against a brick wall => head1. a fly on the wall => fly1. have one´s back to the wall => back1. a hole in the wall => hole. to the `wall to a difficult or desperate situation 陷於困境或绝境
Several firms have gone to the wall (ie been ruined) recently. 最近有几家公司倒闭了.
drive/push sb to the wall, ie defeat him 逼得某人走投无路. up the `wall (infml 口) furious or crazy 愤怒; 发狂
That noise is driving/sending me up the wall. 这种噪声快要把我逼疯了.
I´ll go up the wall if it doesn´t stop soon. 要是不赶快停下来就要把我气死了. ,walls have `ears (saying 谚) beware of eavesdroppers 隔墙有耳
Be careful what you say; even the walls have ears! 说话要小心, 隔墙有耳啊! the writing on the wall => writing. wall, v 1 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] surround (sth) with a wall or walls 用墙围住(某物)
a walled city, garden, town 有围墙的城市、 花园、 小镇. 2 (phr v) wall sth in/off separate (and enclose) sth with a wall 用墙隔开(并围住)某物
Part of the yard had been walled off. 院子有一部分用墙隔开了. wall sth up block up sth with a wall or bricks 用墙或砖堵住某物
a walled-up door, fireplace, passage 用砖堵住的门、 壁炉、 通道.