
n. 警告, 预告, 预兆, 通知
【法】 警告, 警戒, 预告; 警告的, 注意的
warning n 1 [C] statement, event, etc that warns 提醒或警告的言语或事情
She has received a written warning about her conduct. 她已接获对她操行的书面警告.
Her warnings were ignored. 她提出的警告没有引起注意.
a gale warning to shipping 向船只发出的大风警告
Let that be a warning to you, ie Let that (accident, misfortune, etc) teach you to be more careful in future. 你要把这件事引为鉴戒.
a warning of future difficulties 将有重重困难的先兆
[attrib 作定语] warning lights, shots 示警的灯、 枪声. 2 [U] act of warning or state of being warned 提醒; 警告
The attack occurred without (advance) warning, ie unexpectedly. 没有(预先)警告就发动了攻击.
You should take warning from (ie be warned by) what happened to me. 你应以我的事情引为鉴戒.
The speaker sounded a note of warning, ie spoke of possible danger. 那个演讲的人提出有可能发生危险.