
n. 洗, 洗涤, 冲洗, 洗的衣服, 冲积物, 洼地
vt. 洗, 洗涤, 洗清, 用水冲洗, 流过, 弄湿, 粉刷, 镀金属薄层于
vi. 洗涤, 洗澡, 被冲蚀, 漂浮
【医】 洗剂, 洗液
come out in the wash
wash sth down
wash up
wash one's hands of
wash n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] act of cleaning or being cleaned with water 洗; 洗涤
He looks as if he needs a good (ie thorough) wash. 他看样子得好好洗洗了.
have a wash (and brush up), ie wash oneself (and make oneself tidy, brush one´s hair, etc) (梳)洗一下
Please give the car a wash. 请把汽车冲洗一下.
The colour has faded after only two washes. 这个颜色只洗两水就退色了.
a cold wash, ie a wash in cold water 用冷水洗. 2 (a) the wash [sing] process of laundering clothes 洗熨衣物
All my shirts are in/have gone to the wash, ie are being laundered. 我所有的衬衣都洗著呢. (b) [C usu sing 通常作单数] quantity of clothes, sheets, etc (to be) washed (要)洗的衣物的数量
There is a large wash this week. 本星期有很多衣物要洗.
When does the wash come back from the laundry? 送到洗衣店的衣服什麽时候取回来? 3 [sing] (sound made by) disturbed water or air, eg behind a moving ship, aircraft, etc 搅动的水或空气(的声音)(如航行中的船、 飞机等後面的)
the wash of the waves against the side of the boat 波浪拍打船舷的声音
the wash made by the steamer´s propellers 汽船螺旋桨搅动的水. 4 [C] thin layer of water-colour painted on a surface (水彩的)薄涂层. 5 [U] waste scraps of food mixed in liquid and given to pigs to eat; swill (剩汤菜混合的)猪饲料.6 (idm 习语) come out in the `wash (infml 口) (of mistakes, etc) come right or be put right eventually, without any harm being done (指错误等)最後完全正确或得以纠正(未造成损失). wash v 1 (a) [Tn, Cn.a] make (sb/sth) clean in water or some other liquid 洗(某人[某物])
These clothes will have to be washed. 这些衣服该洗了.
Go and wash yourself. 你洗个澡吧.
Have these glasses been washed? 这些玻璃杯洗过了吗?
The beach had been washed clean by the tide. 潮水把海滩冲刷得非常乾净. (b) [I] make oneself, clothes, one´s face and hands, etc clean with water 洗澡、 洗衣物、 洗脸、 洗手等
I had to wash and dress in a hurry. 我得匆匆洗个澡穿好衣服.
They had to wash in cold water. 他们只好用冷水洗. (c) [I] (of clothes, fabrics, etc) be able to be washed without losing colour, shrinking, etc (指衣物、 织物等)洗後不退色、 不缩水等
This sweater washes well. 这件套头毛衣耐洗.
If a garment won´t wash, it must be dry-cleaned. 用水洗就退色或缩水的衣服得乾洗. 2 [Tn] (of the sea, a river, etc) flow past or against (sth) (指海水、 河水等)流过或冲击(某物)
The sea washes the base of the cliffs. 海水拍打著悬崖的底部.
The garden wall is being washed by the flood water. 大水冲刷著花园的围墙. 3 (a) [Ipr, Ip] (of water) flow in the specified direction (指水)(向某方向)流动
waves washing against the side of a boat 流经船舷的波浪 *Water washed over the deck. 水从甲板上流过. (b) [Tn.pr, Tn.p esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (of water) move (sb/sth) by flowing in the specified direction (指水)冲走(某人[某物])
debris washed along by the flood 洪水冲走的破烂东西
The body was washed out to sea. 那具尸体已冲到海里.
Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore. 遇难船只的残骸碎物已冲到了岸上.
He was washed overboard in the storm. 在暴风雨中他被从船上冲到水里. 4 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (of water) form sth by flowing; scoop sth out (指水)冲成, 冲出
The stream had washed (out) a channel in the sand. 小河在沙地上冲出了一条沟. 5 [Tn] pour water through gravel, etc in order to find (gold, etc) 用水冲沙砾等以选出(沙金等): washing ore 淘洗矿石. 6 [Tn] cover (a surface) with a thin layer of water-paint 用水溶性颜料涂饰(物体表面). 7 [I, Ipr] (only in questions or negative sentences 只用於疑问句或否定句) ~ (with sb) (infml 口) be accepted or believed (by sb) (被某人)接受或相信
That excuse simply won´t wash (with me). 这种借口(让我)实在无法相信. 8 (idm 习语) wash one´s dirty linen in `public discuss one´s personal (esp unpleasant) affairs or quarrels in public 公开谈论个人的(尤指坏的)事情或争吵的事; 家丑外扬. wash one´s hands of sb/sth refuse to be responsible for sb/sth (any longer) 对某人[某事物]不(再)负责; 洗手不干
I´ve washed my hands of the whole sordid business. 我已经彻底洗手不干那种肮脏的勾当了. 9 (phr v) wash sb/sth away (of water) remove or carry sb/sth away to another place (指水)将某人[某物]冲掉或冲至另一处
Her child was washed away in the flood. 她的孩子让洪水给冲走了.
footprints washed away by the rain 被雨水冲掉的脚印
The cliffs are being gradually washed away by the sea. 这处悬崖逐渐让海水冲刷剥蚀了.