
n. 楔子, 楔形物, 起因, 导致分裂的东西
vt. 楔住, 挤进, 楔入
vi. 楔入, 挤进
【化】 楔; 楔入
【医】 楔
drive a wedge into
edge n 1 (a) piece of wood or metal that is thick at one end and narrows at the other to a sharp edge, used eg to split wood or rock, to widen an opening or to keep things apart 劈; 尖劈; 楔子. (b) thing shaped like or used as a wedge 形状或用途似尖劈之物
a wedge of cake, cheese, etc, ie a piece cut from a large round cake, cheese, etc 一角蛋糕、 乾酪等. 2 (idm 习语) drive a wedge between A and B => drive1. the thin end of the wedge => thin. wedge, v 1 [Tn, Cn.a] fix (sth) firmly or force (sth) apart using a wedge 用楔子 牢; 用尖劈劈开
The window doesn´t stay closed unless you wedge it. 这扇窗户关不严, 得用楔子 上了.
wedge a door open 用楔子抵住门让门敞开. 2 [, Tn.p] pack or thrust (sth/sb/oneself) tightly into a space 将(某物[某人])塞入或插入某空间
wedge packing material into the spaces round the vase 用填料把花瓶周围楦好
I was so tightly wedged between two other passengers, I couldn´t get off the bus. 我紧紧夹在两个乘客中间下不了公共汽车了.