
n. 轮子, 车轮, 轮, 方向盘, 旋转, 机构, 重要人物
vt. 使旋转, 转动, 使转向
vi. 旋转, 转弯, 盘旋
【医】 轮
wheel n 1 (a) disc or circular frame that turns on an axle, as on carts, cars, bicycles, etc or as part of a machine, etc 轮; 车轮; 机轮. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xiii. (b) (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) any of several types of machine of which a wheel is an essential part 以轮子为主要部件的机器
a potter´s `wheel 陶钧 * a `spinning-wheel 纺车. 2 (usu sing 通常作单数) = steering-wheel (steer1)
The driver sat patiently behind the wheel. 司机在方向盘前耐心地坐著.
He took (ie grasped) the wheel and steered the ship into port. 他掌稳舵轮把船驶进了港口. 3 circular movement, esp that of a line of soldiers pivoting on one end 旋转运动; (尤指横排士兵以一端为中心的)旋转
a left/right wheel 向左[右]转. 4 (idm 习语) at/behind the `wheel (of sth) (a) steering (a vehicle or a ship)驾驶(车或船)
Who was at the wheel when the car crashed?汽车碰撞时开车的是谁? (b) (fig 比喻) in control (of sth) 控制(某事物)
With her at the wheel, the company began to prosper. 有了她当主管, 公司开始兴旺起来. oil the wheels => oilv. put one´s shoulder to the wheel => shoulder. put a spoke in sb´s wheel => spoke1. ,wheels within `wheels situation in which a complicated or secret network of influences, motives, etc exists, making it difficult to understand fully 错综复杂的或秘密的势力、 动机等交织在一起难以了解的情况. wheel, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (a) push or pull (a vehicle with wheels) 推或拉(车)
wheel a barrow (along the street) (在街上)推手推车. (b) carry (sb/sth) in a vehicle with wheels 用车运载(某人[某物])
wheel sb to the operating theatre on a trolley 用担架车把某人送到手术室. 2 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] move in a curve or circle 转动; 旋转
birds wheeling (about) in the sky above us 在我们上空盘旋的鸟. (b) [I, Ip] ~ (round/around) turn round and face the other way 转身
Left/Right wheel! ie as an order given to soldiers 向左[右]转!
They wheeled round in amazement. 他们惊奇地转过身来. 3 (idm 习语) ,wheel and `deal (infml 口 esp US) negotiate or bargain in a clever, often dishonest, way (用精明的, 常指欺骗的方法)洽谈、 商量或讨价还价
There will be a lot of wheeling and dealing before an agreement is reached. 还要有一番讨价还价才能达成协议.