
ad. 无论哪里
wherever conj 1 in any place, regardless of where 在无论什麽地方
Sit wherever you like. 您愿意坐在哪儿都行.
I´ll find him, wherever he is. 不管他在哪儿我都要把他找到.
He comes from Boula, wherever that may be, ie and I don´t know where that is. 他原籍是布拉, 也不用管它在什麽地方吧. 2 in all places that; everywhere 在...的各个地方; 各处; 处处
Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her. 她所到之处都有成群的人等著见她.
Wherever there is injustice, we try to help. 凡有不公正的地方, 我们都竭力相助匡正. 3 (idm 习语) or wher`ever (infml 口) or any (other) place 或者任何(其他的)地方
many foreign tourists from Spain, France or wherever 来自西班牙、 法国或其他国家的许多游客. wherever, interrog adv (expressing surprise 用以表示惊讶) where (究竟)在哪儿
Wherever did you get that funny hat? 你到底从哪儿弄来这麽一顶怪帽子?