
n. 回旋, 旋转, 急走, 眩晕
vt. 使旋转, 使回旋, 卷走
vi. 回旋, 旋转, 急走, 发晕
【化】 涡动; 回转
whirl v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move quickly round and round (使某人[某物])旋转, 打转, 回旋
the whirling blades of the fan 旋转著的风扇叶片
The leaves whirled (round) as they fell. 树叶打著转飘落下来.
The wind whirled (up) the fallen leaves. 一阵风把落叶刮得旋转起来.
She whirled the rope round and round (her head). 她(在头上)一圈一圈地旋转著绳带.
He whirled his partner round the dance floor. 他带著舞伴环绕舞池旋转. 2 [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move or travel rapidly (in the specified direction) (使某人[某物])(沿某方向)迅速移动或行进
The houses whirled past us as the train gathered speed. 火车越开越快, 周围的房子在我们旁边一闪而过.
He whirled them away/off in his new sports car. 他开著他的新跑车载著他们疾驶而去. 3 [I] (of the brain, senses, etc) seem to go round and round, so that one feels confused or excited; reel (指头脑、 知觉等)混乱不清, 异常兴奋; 头晕目眩
I couldn´t sleep: my mind was still whirling from all I had seen and heard. 我睡不著觉, 所见所闻仍在头脑中转来转去. whirl, n [sing] 1 whirling movement 旋转; 回旋
the whirl of the propeller blades 螺旋桨叶片的旋转. 2 rapid succession of activities 一个紧接一个的活动
an endless whirl of parties 接连的无尽无休的聚会
the social whirl 一连串的社交活动. 3 state of confusion 混乱: My mind is in a whirl. 我心里很乱. 4 (idm 习语) give sth a `whirl (infml 口) try sth as an experiment, to see if it is suitable, pleasant, etc 试试某事物(看是否恰当、 合意等)
The job doesn´t sound very exciting but I´ll give it a whirl. 这个工作听起来没什麽意思, 可是我还是要去试一试.