
n. 战役
vt. 战斗
vi. 战斗
battle n 1 [C, U] fight, esp between organized armed forces 战斗; 战役; 交战
a fierce battle 激烈的战斗
the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役
go out to battle 奔赴战场 * die in battle 阵亡. 2 [C] (fig 比喻) any contest or struggle 争斗; 斗争
a battle of words, wits 一场舌战、智斗
Their whole life was a constant battle against poverty. 他们一生都在不断地与贫穷作斗争. 3 (idm 习语) do battle (with sb) (about sth) fight or argue fiercely (with sb) (about sth) (为某事)(与某人)激烈斗争或争论. fight a losing battle => fight1. give `battle (dated 旧) show that one is ready to fight 挑战. half the battle an important or the most important part of achieving sth 实现某目的至关重要的部分
When you´re ill, wanting to get well again is often half the battle. 生病时, 有决心把病治好往往是最为重要的. join battle => join. battle, v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (with/against sb/sth) (for sth); ~ (on) struggle 斗争; 搏斗; 奋斗
battling against ill health 与病魔作斗争
They battled with the wind and the waves. 他们与风浪搏斗.
I´m battling with my employers for a pay-rise. 我正向雇主力争增加工资.
Progress is slow but we keep battling on. 进展虽慢, 但是我们在继续奋斗.