
n. 内部, 里头
ad. 在内部, 在内心里
prep. 在...之内
do what is within one's power
live within one's income
be strong without but feeble within
within an ace of
within prep 1 (a) after not more than (the specified period of time) 不超过(某段时间); 在(某段时间)之内
She returned within an hour. 她不到一小时就回来了.
If you don´t hear anything within seven days, phone again. 你要是在七天之内听不到任何消息就再打个电话. (b) ~ sth (of sth) not further than (the specified distance) (from sth) 不超过(某段距离); 在(某段距离)之内
a house within a mile of the station 距火车站不到一英里的一所房子
The village has three pubs within a hundred metres (of each other). 这个村子里有三个酒馆, (相互)距离都在一百米以内. 2 inside the range or limits of (sb/sth) 在(某人[某事物])的范围或限度以内
We are now within sight of (ie able to see) the shore. 我们现在的距离能看见海岸了.
There is a bell within the patient´s reach, ie which the patient can reach. 在病人伸手可够得著的地方有个电铃.
He finds it hard to live within his income, ie without spending more than he earns. 他觉得有些入不敷出.
I´d prefer you to keep this information within the family, ie known only by members of the family. 我希望你只让家人知道这件事.
within the limits of my modest talents 管窥所及. 3 (fml 文) inside (sth) 在(某事物)之内
within the medieval walls of the city 在该城中世纪建造的城墙以内
Interview everyone living within the area shown on the map. 面见地图所示区内居住的每一个人. within, adv (fml 文) inside 在内部; 到内部
Shop assistant required. Apply within. 招聘店员. 请进面洽.