
n. 扳钳, 扳手, 扭伤, 歪曲, 痛苦
vt. 猛扭, 扭伤, 曲解, 折磨
vi. 猛扭, 猛绞
【化】 扳钳; 扳手
【医】 旋钳, 扭伤
wrench v 1 [Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a] ~ sth off (sth); ~ sb/sth away twist or pull sb/sth violently away from sth 猛扭或猛拉某人[某物]使之脱离某物
to wrench a door off its hinges 把门从合叶处拉脱
He wrenched his arm away. 他用力把手臂挣脱开.
He managed to wrench himself free. 他把身体挣脱出来了. 2 [Tn] injure (one´s ankle, shoulder, etc) by twisting 扭伤(踝、 肩等)
She must have wrenched her ankle when she fell. 她准是跌倒时把脚腕子给 歪了. wrench, n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] sudden and violent twist or pull 猛扭; 猛拉
He pulled the handle off with a wrench. 他用力一拉就把把手拉下来了.
She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful wrench, ie twisted it by accident. 她绊了一跤, 把脚 歪得很疼. 2 [sing] painful parting or separation 痛苦的离别或分开
Leaving home was a terrible wrench for him. 他觉得离开家十分痛苦. 3 [C] (esp US) = spanner.