
n. 年轻, 青年时代, 青年们, 青春
【法】 青年, 青年时期, 青春时期
youth n (pl ~s ) 1 [U] period of being young, esp the time between childhood and maturity 青少年时期
a wasted (ie unprofitably spent) youth 虚度的青少年时代
I often went there in my youth. 我小时候常到那里去.
He painted scenes from his youth, ie that reminded him of the time when he was young. 他画的是他年轻时的景色. Cf 参看 age1 2. 2 [U] (fml 文) state or quality of being young 青春; 活力; 朝气; 血气
Her youth gives her an advantage over the other runners. 她年轻, 这是她比其他赛跑者优越的地方.
She is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力. Cf 参看 age1 2. 3 [C] (often derog 常作贬义) young man (esp one in his teens) 青年男子, 小伙子(尤指十余岁的)
As a youth he showed little promise. 他这个小伙子, 看不出有什麽出息.
The fight was started by some youths who had been drinking. 这场架是一帮喝醉了的小青年惹起的. 4 (also the youth) [sing or pl v] young people considered as a group 青年人(总称)
the youth of the country/the country´s youth 全国的青年人
The youth of today has/have greater opportunities than ever before. 现在的青年人比以往任何时候都有更多的机会.
[attrib 作定语] youth culture, ie activities, interests, etc of young people 青年人的文化(活动、 兴趣等). 5 (idm 习语) the first/full flush of youth => flush1.