
n. 尖啸声, 拉链, 活力
vt. 给...以速度, 使增加活力, 拉(拉链)
vi. 有力而迅速地行动, 嘘嘘地响, 拉拉链
zip n 1 (also esp Brit `zip-fastener, esp US zipper) [C] device for bringing together or separating two rows of metal or plastic teeth by means of a sliding tab, used for fastening clothing, baggage, etc 拉链; 拉锁
The zip on my anorak has got stuck. 我的皮猴上的拉链卡住了. 2 [U] (infml 口) vigour; energy 活力; 精力. Cf 参看 zapn. 3 [sing] short sharp sound, eg of a bullet going through the air 飕(如子弹穿过空气的尖啸声). zip, v (-pp-) 1 [Tn,, Tn.p, Cn.a] fasten or unfasten (clothes, baggage, etc) with a zip(1) 拉上或拉开(衣物、 袋子等)的拉链
She zipped her bag open. 她拉开了袋子的拉链. 2 (phr v) zip across, along, through,etc move vigorously or quickly in the specified direction 活跃地或迅速地沿某方向运动
She´s just zipped into town to buy some food. 她像一阵风似的进城去买些食物.
After a slow beginning, the play fairly zips along in the second act. 这出戏开场演得很慢, 到第二幕时进行得就很快了. =>Usage at whiz 用法见whiz. zip (sb/sth) up fasten with a zip 拉上拉链
Will you zip me up, please? 请给我拉上拉链行吗?
The dress zips up at the back. 这件连衣裙是用拉链在後面拉上的.