
n. 心跳(声), 打, 敲打声, 拍子
vt. 打, 拍打, 打败
vi. 打, 拍打, 打败
a. 疲乏的, 颓废的
【计】 拍; 节拍
【化】 拍; 搅打
【医】 搏动
【经】 还(价)
beat about...
beat sb down
beat it
beat sth out
beat sb up
beat up and down
beat about the bush
off the beat
on the beat
hearts beat with the hearts of...
eat v (pt beat, pp beaten) 1 [Ipr, Tn,] hit (sb/sth) repeatedly, esp with a stick (接连地)打(某人[某物])(尤指棒打)
Somebody was beating at the door. 有人不停地敲门.
Who´s beating the drum? 谁在敲鼓?
She was beating the carpet/beating the dust out of the carpet, ie removing dust from the carpet by beating it. 她正在敲打地毯[敲打地毯上的灰尘](以敲打的方式除尘). 2 [Cn.a] reduce (sb) to a specified state by hitting repeatedly 把(某人)直打成某种状况
They beat the prisoner unconscious. 他们把那囚犯打得不省人事. =>Usage at hit1 用法见 hit1. 3 [Tn,, Tn.p, Cn.a] change the shape of (esp metal) by blows; hammer 锤打使(尤指金属)变形; 用锤敲打: beaten silver 银箔
The gold was beaten (out) into fine strips. 金子被锤成了细条形.
beat metal flat 把金属锤平. 4 [I, Tn] strike (bushes, undergrowth, etc) to raise game for shooting 击打(灌木、下层林木等)使猎物暴露出来以便射杀之. 5 [Tn,] make (a path, etc) by pressing branches down and walking over them 披荆斩棘开辟(路等); 踏出(一条路)
a well-beaten path, ie one worn hard by much use 久经践踏的路
The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth. 猎人们开了一条路穿过小树丛. 6 [Ipr] ~ against/on sth/sb (of the rain, sun, wind, etc) strike sth/sb (指雨、日、风等)袭及某物[某人]
Hailstones beat against the window. 冰雹落在窗户上.
The waves were beating on the shore. 波涛拍岸. 7 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) mix sth vigorously using a fork, whisk, etc (用叉子、打蛋器等)用力搅拌某物
beat the eggs (up) (to a frothy consistency) 打蛋(至起泡的浓度)
beat the flour and milk together 把面粉和牛奶搅拌一起. 8 (a) [I] (of the heart) expand and contract rhythmically (指心脏)有节奏地舒张与收缩, 跳动
He´s alive his heart is still beating. 他还活著--心脏还在跳. (b) [I] give a rhythmical sound; pulsate 发出有节奏的响声; 脉动
We heard the drums beating. 我们听到了敲鼓的声音. (c) [I, Tn] (cause sth to) move up and down repeatedly; flap (使某物)不停地上下动; 拍动
The birds wings were beating franticall. beat, adj [pred 作表语] tired out; exhausted 筋疲力尽; 疲惫不堪
I´m (dead) beat. 我已筋疲力尽. beat n 1 stroke (eg on a drum) or regular sequence of strokes; sound of this 敲击(声)(如击鼓); 有规律的一连串敲打(声)
We heard the beat of a drum. 我们听见敲鼓的声音. 2 emphasis repeated regularly, marking rhythm in music or poetry; strongly marked rhythm of pop or rock music (音乐或诗歌中形成节奏的)强音拍; (流行音乐或摇滚音乐的)强节奏
The song has a good beat. 这歌曲节奏很强. 3 route along which sb goes regularly; area allocated to a policeman, watchman, etc (某人日常行经的)路线; (警察、看守人等执行任务的)区域
a policeman out on the/his beat 外出到辖区执行巡逻任务的警察. 4 (idm 习语) out of/off one´s `beat (infml 口) different from what one usually does; unfamiliar 非自己本行的; 非自己所擅长的. pound the beat => pound3.