
n. 蜜蜂, 聚会
a bee in one's bonnet
as busy as a bee
put the bee on
bee n 1 four-winged insect with a sting, that lives in a colony and collects nectar and pollen from flowers to produce wax and honey 蜜蜂. =>illus 见插图. 2 (idm 习语) the ,bee´s `knees (infml 口) thing that is outstandingly good 出类拔萃之物
She thinks she´s the bee´s knees, ie has a very high opinion of herself. 她自视甚高. the birds and the bees => bird. busy as a bee => busy. have a `bee in one´s bonnet (about sth) (infml 口) have a particular idea which occupies one´s thoughts continually 头脑中总是不断地想著某一件事
Our teacher has a bee in his bonnet about punctuation. 我们的老师没完没了地琢磨著标点符号. bee n (US) meeting in a group, esp of neighbours and friends, for work or pleasure (尤指邻居和朋友间为工作或娱乐而举行的)聚会: a `sewing bee 缝纫会
a `spelling bee 拼字比赛.