
n. 牛肉, 肌肉
vt. 养(牛), 宰(牛)
vi. 抱怨, 告发
【法】 报告警察局, 告密, 告发
beef n 1 (a) [U] flesh of an ox, a bull or a cow, used as meat (食用)牛肉
[attrib 作定语] beef cattle, ie those bred and reared for their meat 菜牛(饲养以供肉食的牛). (b) [C] (pl beeves) ox, etc bred for meat 菜牛. 2 [U] (infml 口) muscular strength 体力
He´s got plenty of beef. 他力气很大. 3 [C] (pl beefs) (sl 俚) grumble; complaint 怨言; 牢骚. beef, v (sl 俚) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (about sth/sb) grumble; complain 抱怨; 发牢骚
What are you beefing about now? 你在发甚麽牢骚? 2 (phr v) beef sth up (infml 口 esp US) add force or weight to sth 加强; 加重
The new evidence beefed up their case. 有了新的证据, 他们的理由更充足了.