
n. 船岸之间的水区, 锚地, 卧铺
vi. 停泊
vt. 使停泊
【经】 船位, 泊位
give a wide berth to...
berth n 1 sleeping-place on a ship, train, etc (船、列车等的)卧铺. 2 place for a ship to be tied up in a harbour, or to be at anchor (船舶的)停泊地或锚位
find a safe berth, eg one protected from bad weather 寻找安全的停泊地(如躲避恶劣天气的处所). 3 (infml 口) job or position (esp an enjoyable one) 职务或职位(尤指顺心的)
a snug/cosy berth 舒适的[惬意的]职位. 4 (idm 习语) give sb/sth a wide berth => wide. berth, v 1 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] provide (sb) with a sleeping-place 为(某人)提供卧铺
Six passengers can be berthed on the lower deck. 下层舱可为六位乘客提供卧铺. 2 (a) [Tn] tie up (a ship) in a harbour or at a suitable place; moor 将(船)系泊(在港口或适当地方); 停泊. (b) [I] (of a ship) come to a berth; moor (指船)来到停泊地; 停泊
The liner berthed at midday. 班轮中午到达停泊地.