
n. 偏见, 斜纹
a. 偏斜的
ad. 偏斜
vt. 使有偏见
【计】 偏流; 偏压; 偏磁; 偏离
【化】 偏倚; 系统误差(偏压;偏流等)
【医】 偏见, 偏性, 偏因
【经】 偏差, 偏向
bias n 1 opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group or series; predisposition; prejudice 偏见; 成见; 偏心
The university has a bias towards/in favour of/against the sciences. 该大学偏重[侧重/歧视]理科.
The committee is of a/has a conservative bias. 委员会有一种保守的偏见.
He is without bias, ie is impartial. 他没有成见. 2 slanting direction across threads of woven material (织物的)斜纹
The skirt is cut on the bias, ie cut with the threads running diagonally across the weave. 这条裙子是斜裁的(斜开料剪裁). 3 (a) (in bowls) tendency of the ball to swerve because of the way it is weighted (滚木球的)偏斜. (b) weighting that causes this (滚木球的)偏重心. bias, v (-s-, -ss-) [Tn,] ~ sb (towards/in favour of/against sb/sth) give a bias to sb; prejudice sb; influence sb, esp unfairly 对某人有偏见、成见、影响(尤指不公正者)
a bias(s)ed account/jury, ie one which is not impartial 有偏见的叙述[陪审团]
The newspaper/He is clearly bias(s)ed (in the government´s favour). 报纸[他]很明显是偏向(政府)的.