
n. 出价
vt. 命令, 吩咐, 请求, 表示, 宣布, 投标
vi. 命令, 吩咐, 请求, 表示, 宣布, 投标
【经】 标价, 喊价, 出价; 投标
to bid fair to...
to bid in sth
to bid up
to make a bid for...
to bid farewell to sb
bid v (-dd-; pt, pp bid ; in sense 3, pt usu 用於下述第3义时过去式通常作 bade, pp bidden) 1 [I, Ipr, Tn,] ~ (sth) (for sth); esp US ~ (sth) (on sth) (a) offer (a price) in order to buy sth, esp at an auction (购物时)出价; (尤指拍卖时)喊价
What am I bid (for this painting)? (这幅画)给我个价, 诸位愿意出多少钱?
She bid 500 (for the painting). 她喊价500英镑(买这幅画).
We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding against us, ie repeatedly offering a higher price than us. 我们原希望买下这所房子, 但另一对夫妇不断抬价与我们竞买. (b) offer (a price) for doing work, providing a service, etc 投标
Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall. 有几家公司投标, 争取建造新音乐厅的合同. 2 [I, Tn] (in card-games, esp bridge) make a bid2(4) (纸牌戏中, 尤指桥牌)叫(牌): bid two hearts 叫2红桃. 3 (arch or fml 古或文) (a) [Dn.t] order (sb); tell 吩咐(某人); 告诉
Do as you are bidden. 按照吩咐你的去做.
She bade me (to) come in. 她叫我进来. (b) [, Dn.t] invite (sb) 邀请(某人)
guests bidden to (attend) the feast 应邀赴宴的宾客. (c) [no passive 不用於被动语态
Dn.n,] ~ sth to sb say sth as a greeting, etc 说(问候、打招呼等的话)
bid sb good morning 向某人道早安
He bade farewell (ie said goodbye) to his sweetheart. 他向他的情人告别. 4 (idm 习语) bid fair to do sth (arch or rhet 古或修辞) seem likely to do sth 有做某事的可能
The plan for a new hospital bids fair to succeed. 兴建新医院的计划有希望成功.