
n. 船
vi. 乘船
vt. 以船运
【化】 舟皿
in the same boat
miss the boat
rock the boat
boat n 1 small vessel for travelling in on water, moved by oars, sails or a motor (使用桨、帆或发动机驱动的)小船
a rowing-/sailing-boat 用桨划的船[帆船]
motor/fishing boats 汽艇[渔船]
We crossed the river in a boat/by boat. 我们乘船渡河. * Boats for hire 5 an hour. 游船出租--每小时5英镑.
a ship´s boats, ie lifeboats carried on board a ship 轮船上的救生艇. 2 any ship (任何)船: `How are you going to France?´ `I´m going by/taking the boat (eg the ferry).´ `你打算怎样去法国?'`我打算乘船去.' 3 dish shaped like a boat for serving sauce or gravy (盛调料或肉汁的)船形碟子. 4 (idm 习语) be in the same boat =>same1. burn one´s boats/bridges => burn2. miss the boat/bus => miss3. push the boat out => push2. rock the boat => rock2. boat, v [I] (usu 通常作 go boating) travel or go in a boat for pleasure 划船游玩
We go boating on the lake every weekend. 我们每个周末都到湖上划船.