
n. 身体, 人, 尸体, 主要部分, 团体
vt. 赋以形体
【计】 体
【化】 壳体
【医】 物体, 体, 驱体
body forth
in a body
a body of...
ody n 1 [C] whole physical structure of a human being or an animal (人或动物的)身体, 身躯
Children´s bodies grow steadily. 儿童的身体不断发育成长. 2 [C] dead body; corpse or carcass 死尸; 尸体
The police found a body at the bottom of the lake. 警方在湖底发现了一具尸体.
His body was brought back to England for burial. 他的遗体已运回英国埋葬. 3 [C]main part of a human body, apart from the head and limbs; trunk; torso 躯干
He has a strong body, but rather thin legs. 他躯干粗壮, 但腿却很瘦.
She was badly burned on the face and body. 她面部和身上严重烧伤. 4 [sing] the ~ of sth main part of sth, esp a vehicle or building 主体(尤指车辆或建筑物)
the body of a plane, ship, car, etc 机身、船身、车身等
the body of a theatre, concert hall, etc, ie the central part where the seats are 戏院、音乐厅等的主体部分(中央有座位的部分)
The main body of the book deals with the author´s political career. 书中主要部分写的是作者的政治生涯. 5 [CGp] group of people working or acting as a unit 集体; 团体; 群体
a body of troops, supporters, people, etc 一支部队、一群支持者、一批人等
a legislative, an elected body 立法团体、当选的团体
A government body is investigatingthe problem. 政府部门正在调查此问题.
The GoverningBody of the school is/are concerned about discipline. 学校当局很关心纪律问题. 6 [C] ~ of sth large amount of sth; mass or collection of sth (某事物的)大量、片、块、堆等
a body of evidence, information, etc 大量证据、信息等
large bodies of water, eg lakes or seas 大片水域(如湖泊或海洋)
There is a large body of support for nuclear disarmament. 拥护裁减核军备的人很多. 7 [C] distinct piece of matter; object 物体
heavenly bodies, ie stars, planets, etc 天体
I´ve got a foreign body (eg an insect or a speck of dirt) in my eye. 我眼中有异物(如小虫或灰尘). 8 [U] full strong flavour, esp of wine 丰满; 浓郁; (尤指酒) 郁
a wine with plenty of body 酒. 9 [C] (dated Brit infml 旧, 口) person 人
a cheerful old body 快乐的老人. 10 (idm 习语) body and `soul with all on