
n. 长靴, 踢, 解雇, 效用
vt. 使穿靴, 踢, 解雇, 有用
【计】 引导, 自举
【化】 进料斗; 接受器
【医】 靴
【经】 附得利益, 补价
to boot
get the boot
give sb the boot
put the boot on the wrong leg
boot out...
boot n 1 outer covering for the foot and ankle, made of eg leather or rubber 靴子
a pair of football boots 一双足球靴
tough boots for walking 耐穿的轻便靴. =>illus 见插图. Cf 参看 sandal, shoe 1. 2 (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口) blow with the foot; kick 踢
He gave the ball a tremendous boot. 他重重地踢了这球一脚. 3 (Brit) (US trunk) compartment for luggage, usu at the back of a motor car 行李箱(通常在汽车後部)
Put the luggage in the boot. 把行李放在汽车行李箱里. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xii. 4 (idm 习语) be/get too big for one´s boots => big. the boot is on the other `foot the situation has been reversed 情况变得与原来相反. die with one´s boots on =>die2. give sb/get the `boot (infml 口) dismisssb/be dismissed from a job 解雇某人; 某人被解雇:If you´re late once more you´re getting the boot. 你再迟到一次, 就要把你解雇了. have one´s heart in one´s boots => heart. lick sb´s boots => lick. put the `boot in (infml 口 esp Brit) kick sb brutally; be ruthless 狠踢某人; 残忍无情. tough as old boots => tough. boot, v 1 [Tn,, Tn.p] kick (sth/sb) 踢(某物[某人])
boot a ball (about) 踢球
boot sb in the face 踢某人的脸. 2 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) (computing 计) load (an operating system, a program, etc) into a computer´s memory, esp automatically; prepare (a computer) for operation in this way 引导; (尤指自动地)将(操作系统、程序等)写入, 装入, 寄存於计算机、存储器; 以上述方法启动(计算机). 3 (phr v) boot sb out (of sth) (infml 口) (a) throw sb out by force 把某人赶出去
His father booted him out of the house. 他父亲把他从家里赶了出去. (b) dismiss sb from a job 解雇某人. boot n (idm 习语) to boot (arch or joc 古或谑) in addition; as well 除此以外; 再者
She´s an attractive woman, and wealthy to boot. 她是个很有魅力的女人, 而且很富有.