
n. 胸部, 乳房, 胸怀
vt. 以胸对着, 面对
【医】 胸, 乳房
make a clean breast of...
breast n 1 [C] either of the two parts of a woman´s body that produce milk (女子的)乳房
a baby at the breast 哺乳的婴孩
cancer of the breast 乳(腺)癌
The breasts swell during pregnancy. 怀孕期乳房发胀. 2 [C] (a) (rhet 修辞) upper front part of the human body; chest (人体的)胸部, 胸膛
clasp/hold sb to one´s breast 把某人拥抱在怀里. (b) part of a garment covering this (衣服的)胸部
a soldier with medals pinned to the breast of his coat 胸前别著许多奖章的士兵. 3 [C, U] part of an animal corresponding to the human breast, eaten as food (动物的)胸脯(作食物用者): chicken breasts 鸡胸脯
breast of lamb 羔羊胸脯. 4 (dated 旧) source of feelings; heart 心情; 思绪
a troubled breast 心烦意乱. 5 (idm 习语) beat one´s breast => beat1. make a clean breast of sth => clean1. breast, v [Tn] 1 (a) touch (sth) with the breast(2a) 以胸部触及(某物)
The runner breasted the tape, ie to win a race. 赛跑者以胸部触线(赛跑获胜). (b) face and move forward against (sth) 挺身冲向(某事物)
breasting the waves 破浪前进. 2 reach the top of (sth) 抵达(某事物)的顶端
breast a hill/rise 抵达山[岗]的顶端.