
n. 裂口, 违背, 破坏, 违反, 突破, 破裂
vt. 攻破, 突破
vi. 跳出水面
【经】 突破, 违反
breach n 1 [C, U] breaking or neglect (of a law, an agreement, a duty, etc) 违犯, 违反(法规、协议、职责等)
a breach of loyalty, trust, protocol, etc 不忠、背信、背约等
a breach of confidence, ie giving away a secret 泄密
sue sb for breach of contract 控告某人违反合同
a breach of security, ie failure to protect official secrets 破坏安全的行为(泄露政府机密). 2 [C] break in usu friendly relations between people or groups (友好关系的)中断
a breach of diplomatic relations between two countries 两国之间外交关系的破裂. 3 [C] opening, eg one made in a wall by attacking forces or the sea 缺口(如墙上或堤上的突破口)
The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall. 大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口. 4 (idm 习语) step into the breach => step1. breach, v [Tn] make a gap in (a defensive wall, etc) (在防御工事等上)打开缺口
Our tanks have breached the enemy defences. 我方坦克突破了敌人的防线.