
n. 桥, 舰桥, 桥梁, 桥牌
vt. 架桥于, 跨越
【计】 桥, 网桥, 桥接器
【医】 桥
bridge n 1 structure of wood, iron, concrete, etc, providing a way across a river, road, railway, etc 桥梁
a bridge across the stream 横跨溪流的桥梁
a railway bridge, ie one for a railway across a river, etc 铁路桥梁(跨越河流等的). =>illus 见插图. 2 (fig 比喻) thing that provides a connection or contact between two or more things 借以相互联系或接触的事物
Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations. 文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁. 3 raised platform across the deck of a ship, from which it is controlled and navigated by the captain and officers 船桥, 舰桥(船长及高级船员操纵及导航之处). 4 (a) bony upper part of the nose 鼻梁. (b) part of a pair of glasses that rests on the nose 鼻梁架 镜上的). =>illus at glass 见glass之插图. 5 movable piece of wood, etc over which the strings of a violin, etc are stretched 琴马(小提琴等上 弦用的). =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xi. 6 device for keeping false teeth in place, fastened to natural teeth on each side 齿桥(固定假牙用者). 7 (idm 习语) burn one´s boats/bridges => burn2. cross one´s bridges when one comes to them => cross2. a lot of/much water has flowed, etc under the bridge => water1. water under the bridge => water1. bridge, v 1 [Tn] build or form a bridge over (sth) 在(某事物)上架桥
bridge a river, canal, ravine, etc 在河流、运河、深谷等上面架桥. 2 (idm 习语) bridge a/the `gap (a) fill an awkward or empty space 填补尴尬的或空白的间隙
bridge a gap in the conversation 不使谈话冷场
A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper. 在午餐和晚餐之间, 下午吃些点心补充一下. (b) reduce the distance (between widely contrasting groups) 缩短(悬殊的)距离
How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor? 怎样才能缩小贫富之间的差距? bridge n [U] card-game for four players developed from whist, in which one player´s cards are exposed on the table and played by his partner 桥牌.