
n. 兄弟
brother n 1 man or boy having the same parents as another person 兄; 弟
my elder/younger brother 我的哥哥[弟弟]
Does she have any brothers or sisters? 她有兄弟姐妹吗?
Have you invited the Smith brothers to the party? 你邀请史密斯兄弟参加宴会了吗?
He was like a brother to me, ie very kind. 他待我像兄弟一样. =>App 8 见附录8. 2 person united with others by belonging to the same group, society, profession, etc 同志; 同人; 同行; 同业; 同事
We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice. 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中, 我们都是同志.
[attrib 作定语] He was greatly respected by his brother doctors/officers. 与他共事的医生[军官]对他非常尊敬. 3 (pl brethren) (a) (title of a) member of a religious order, esp a monk (同教会的)教友(的称呼); (尤指)修士
Brother Luke will say grace. 卢克修士将做感恩祷告. (b) member of certain evangelical Christian sects (基督教某些福音派的)教友
The Brethren hold a prayer meeting every Thursday. 教友每周四举行一次祷告会. 4 (idm 习语) brothers in `arms soldiers serving together, esp in wartime 战友. brother, interj (esp US) (used to express irritation or surprise 用以表示恼怒或惊奇)
Oh, brother! 嘿, 好家伙!